What brings life to Everyhome?


We envision
every home in the Louisville/Jefferson County community as affordable and energy efficient. 

By promoting energy-efficient practices and policies, we aim to reduce utility costs and carbon footprints while enhancing overall quality of life. Through collaborative efforts and innovative solutions, we aspire to make this vision a reality, ensuring that affordable and energy-efficient housing is accessible to all members of our community.


The goal of EveryHome is to educate, advocate, & engage the community on energy and housing affordability. 

We are committed to raising awareness about the intersection of these topics and their impact on individuals and families. By providing valuable resources, advocating for equitable policies, and fostering community involvement, we strive to create positive change and ensure that everyone has access to safe, affordable, and energy-efficient housing.


Our connection to Metro Housing Coalition.

Visit MHC

MHC, a coalition of approximately 300 members dedicated to affordable housing in Louisville, created the campaign EveryHome to connect energy affordability into the housing affordability conversation. MHC understands that to have affordable housing, we must have affordable energy. EveryHome seeks to educate and engage the community on the interconnectedness of energy costs and housing affordability. By addressing these issues together, we can develop comprehensive solutions that benefit residents across our city.

Together, MHC and EveryHome are committed to fostering a more equitable and sustainable housing landscape in Louisville. By raising awareness, advocating for change, and fostering community engagement, we can work towards a future where every home is both affordable and energy efficient, ensuring a better quality of life for all residents.

Donate now to support housing affordability policy.

A fairer, healthier, more-just Louisville housing market is possible, but taking action on affordable, sustainable policies starts with us.
