2024 Kentucky Affordable Housing Conference

Join the MHC at the upcoming KAHC conference!   The 2024 Kentucky Affordable Housing Conference (KAHC), Closing the Gap: Building Bridges to Innovative Housing Solutions, will be held Wednes​day and Thursday, August 21-22 2024​, at the Kentucky International Convention Center in Louisville, Kentucky. KAHC has an exciting line-up including keynotes from author and Opticos Design … Continued

Affordable Energy Powers Affordable Housing: Disconnection Protections with K4ED (Webinar)

Mark your calendars! Join us on August 27th at 2 PM for an exciting webinar on affordable energy! MHC next program in the EveryHome webinar series will include guest speaker Kentuckians For Energy Democracy (K4ED) as we discuss energy disconnection protections in Kentucky. We will focus on the health risks associated with disconnections, potential policies … Continued

Affordable Energy Powers Affordable Housing: The Benefits of Weatherization with Project Warm

Did you know that weatherizing your home can lower your energy usage by 15-45%? Lowering energy usage results in affordable housing, improved health, and increased safety. The Metropolitan Housing Coalition's EveryHome program will be hosting a webinar on home weatherization on Tuesday, September 24th, from 2-3pm featuring guest speaker, Project Warm. At this webinar, you … Continued

First National Energy Efficiency Day!

The US senate recently passed a resolution designating October 2, 2024 as national "Energy Efficiency Day". MHC believes that energy efficiency is crucial for the affordability of housing. By implementing energy efficient practices and technologies, households can lower their energy consumption, leading to significant savings. Moreover, energy efficiency creates jobs, contributes to environmental sustainability, and … Continued

Energy Efficiency and Affordability Fair at Americana Community Center

Americana Community Center 4801 Southside Drive, Louisville, KY, United States

MHC and the Louisville Sustainability Council are hosting an "Energy Efficiency and Affordability Fair" on October 17th from 12:30-3:30pm. Featured organizations include Project Warm, LG&E We Care, and Louisville Water Company. We will be providing information on how to lower your energy bill for qualified LG&E customers. We will have free home weatherization kits, tips … Continued

Webinar: Water Affordability with guest speaker Appalachian Citizen’s Law Center

Access to clean, affordable water is a human right, but it is becoming increasingly difficult for consumers to pay their water bills. Join us and the Appalachian Citizens' Law Center (ACLC) virtually on October 22 from 2-3pm as we discuss ACLC's recent Drinking Water Affordability Report and recommendations for making drinking water more affordable for … Continued

Jefferson County Energy Justice Working Group

KFTC is organizing in Louisville to advance equitable clean energy solutions that reduce pollution and lower energy bills in communities most affected by poverty and structural racism. We are looking for people to work locally for energy, climate, and environmental justice in Louisville through KFTC. We welcome your participation!   Meets the fourth Wednesday of … Continued

Trunk or Treat with KY Harm Reduction Coalition & VOCAL KY!

Kentucky Harm Reduction Coalition 721 South Brook Street, Louisville, KY

Join KY Harm Reduction Coalition and VOCAL KY this Halloween for Trunk or Treat! There will be food, games, vendors, narcan, and other assistance. MHC will be tabling at this event, so stop by and say hi!    

January Webinar: Affordable Housing and Energy 101 in Louisville, KY

Join us for a FREE webinar as we explore the critical relationship between energy and housing affordability, and discuss actionable solutions to ensure that everyone can afford both energy-efficient homes and a comfortable lifestyle.    Be sure to register for the event at https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIofu2rrT4vHtel8A8XAJkieFGBF5P3Qdte  

MHC @ JenCare Senior Resource and Health Fair

Southwest Regional Library 9725 Dixie Highway, Louisville, KY

MHC's EveryHome program will be at JenCare's Senior Resource & Health Fair at Southwest Regional Library on March 6th from 1-3pm. Come learn more about affordable housing and utilities, and get connected to resources right here in Louisville, KY. Snacks, raffles, and music! The fair is FREE and open to the public - especially our … Continued